From 1976 to 1984 Massimo Luconi worked as assistant director and technical and organizational manager with major exponents of Theater and Cinema. Important experiences with Luca Ronconi, Eduardo de Filippo, Giancarlo Sepe and Memè Perlini for prose theater, while for cinema and opera he has the opportunity to work with Mauro Bolognini and Salvatore Samperi. During these years he is also alongside Franco Zeffirelli as assistant director for Storia di una Capinera, Il Giovane Toscanini and Otello.
It was in 1995 that Massimo Luconi began his important experience at the Metastasio Theater in Prato where he served as president until 1999, artistic director from 2002 to 2005 and co-director from 2010 to 2015 dealing with the organizational and design aspects of programming and production.
Since 2012 he has been artistic and organizational director of the Radicondoli Festival.
In recent years, and in parallel with his activity as director, he has been involved in training: at the University of Bicocca in Milan and at Progeas in Prato he has held training workshops on theatrical organization and courses on the craft of acting. He has also been teaching manager of the Metastasio Theater’s acting school and courses for costume designers and electricians. He is currently a lecturer at CIAS International Center for the Performing Arts “Franco Zeffirelli” with the Directing Workshop, Training Orientation Internship.
He has made numerous documentaries and television investigations for RAI and has also produced a number of films on contemporary artists, including Claudio Parmiggiani, Dani Karavan, Jaume Plensa and on the environmental art collection of the Fattoria di Celle.
His most recent works include Il dolore by M. Duras with Mariangela Melato, Sarabanda by I. Bergman with Massimo de Francovich, Giuliana Loiodice, Prometeo from Aeschylus, with Luca Lazzareschi, Preghiera per Cernobyl by S. Aleksievic with Mascia Musy , Traviata by G.Verdi directed on the conception of Franco Zeffirelli, Arena di Verona, Il barbiere di Siviglia for Teatro Verdi Trieste. For Rai Cinema the documentary The Chinese Occupation.